After trekking out to the wastes of Avalon, I was unable to enter the
mission we'd just pulled, with a message indicating the server thought
maybe the key was bad somehow. This wasn't the first time I ever saw
the message, but usually getting it just an annoyance, not fatal, as
it proved to be in the next screenshot. There was a Ninjadroid hot on
my butt when that bad key happened, and zoning into the mission was to
be my salvation. Imagine my despair when I did not zone. |
I think that maybe the Ninjadroid had pathing
issues right around then, which worked in my favour, but as you can
see from the first screenshot a new mob decided I might make a nice
lunch. As a Fixer, I have just the right nano for that situation,
Reckless Digitization to put me quickly and safely in the grid.
The second shot shows that didn't happen though. I took the damage for
it, as expected, and got an "executed successfully" message. But I
never zoned! As you can tell from the amount of unknown damage I took,
I had in excess of 2700 hitpoints when I executed the nano. The HoT
ticked for 112, bringing me to 113 total. The Vulture's hit for 109
thus didn't kill me and I had another HoT tick for 66. Then finally
had another hit for 83 to finish me off. This happened over the space
of a couple of seconds, enough time to type a message to my team, so
it was not some instantaneous "the mob managed to sneak in a hit at
the exact right moment". (Yeah, the Vulture I probably could have just
killed ... but that Ninjadroid was around, who would surely have killed me.)
While roaming around Belial Forest hunting up some
dynabosses, Bima came across this pile of snakes. That isn't a
graphics bug, it really is a couple dozen Massacre Pythons fanned out
in a circle on the same point in the middle of a pond. Maybe it was
performance art, but I suspect with their small reptilian brains it
was just an inability to figure out how to move from that point.